Il Lupo aveva un piano

Picture book about life and adventures of Little Red Riding Hood in Covid times. Written by Stefania Lanari, published by Fulmino Edizioni.














Le parole che hanno fatto l’Italia

Glossary about the words (and the people) that shaped Italy as a Nation. Written and illustrated by me, published by Il Battello a Vapore.







































Il ritorno del lupo

Illustrations realised for the book Il ritorno del lupo, written by Giuseppe Bordi, published by Edizioni El.








We love books



Series of illustrations created as promo material for the Italian publishing house Pelledoca Editore. Their logo is a little goose and it’s represented in each illustration.




Quarantine Visual Diary

Journal about quarantined life in Italy due to the Covid pandemic 2020. Personal Project











Vedo Nero

Illustrated book published by Pelledoca Editore













I Virtuosi del Teatro alla Scala

Illustrated flyer for a concert addressed to children with music by Bach, Mozart and Boccherini organized by Teatro alla Scala in Milan









Calendar 2020

12 months to relax in the most colourful way.

Personal project













Il signor Fallaninna

Tribute illustration for the birth anniversary of the writer Gianni Rodari included in the book “100 Gianni Rodari” by Einaudi Ragazzi inspired by his tale  Il signor Fallaninna


Come andò che Eugenio Difatti divenne musicista

Picture book published by Fulmino Edizioni









Il libro delle parole gentili

Picture book  about behaviors  published by DeAgostini. Ironic illustrations about a series of behaviors that could put you in trouble











Illustrated picture book  published by DeAgostini